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Gori selected as the factory supplied propeller for Oceanvolt

Gori propeller has been selected as the std factory supplied propeller for the Oceanvolt line of Electric motor systems.
At the Annapolis Boat show, Timo Jjaakkola, CEO of Oceanvolt USA, announced that
[sh_quote2]“We did extensive testing with both Gori 2-blade and 3-blade folding propellers this summer. They both work very well on our system. We have found out on our internal tests that the current Flexofold propeller does not work well. We only recently discovered the issue on regen with 2-blade Flexofold, this can be fixed by changing to 2-blade Gori. This meets our specifications for the regeneration to work properly.”
The Gori 3-blade model provides a better performance in reverse than 3-blade Flexo and much less propwalk.”[/sh_quote2]

US Watercraft, builder of the Alerion line of boats is offering the Oceanvolt Electric Motor system with the new SD6.0 engine on the Alerion 30. AB Marine is supplying the new Gori 2-blade 15” x 10 LHS propeller.