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Variprop 5-Blade Propeller

Available in the GP-110 and GP-130 models.  Ideally suited for use on sailing yachts with 30 to 150 hp.

The new SPW Variprop GP-110 5-Blade is a smooth running, energy-efficient performance propeller with the thrust of a fixed-pitch propeller.  As with all Variprop GPs, the new Variprop 5-Blade propeller has low drag while sailing and very low cavitation under power.  Tested on the Southerly 32, with its swing keel, double rudder system and middle skeg for propeller protection, the Variprop GP 5-Blade performed smoothly, offering superior harbor maneuverability.

Engineering and Development

The VARIPROP GP-110 5-Blade 18” prototype was dimensioned for a Southerly 32 yacht and finished in spring 2021.   Conceived during Covid in 2020 the prototype was built by SPW’s design engineer Jörg Adamczyk and the SPW development team. Initially the VARIPROP GP immediately moved into sail position, as the 5-blade configuration results in a hydrodynamic rotation, thus the shaft required locking with mechanical gearing in reverse gear in order to avoid turning. For owners of larger yachts with hydraulic gearboxes, it requires installation of a shaft brake.

SPW Variprop Germany

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Variprop 5-Blade