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Gori Propeller Anodes – Aft End


Includes: Anode with insert, bolt, allen key and locking glue.

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The Gori Propeller Zinc Anode protects the propeller from galvanic corrosion.

All propeller anodes must be replaced at some point, depending upon how much electrolysis or galvanic action surrounds your boat.  The corrosive action could originate from poor grounding on your boat, from another boat in the marina or leaky shore power cables. Corrosion could also originate from bad wiring in the shore power box or from the presence of an underwater cable. Any electricity discharging below the water will deteriorate your Gori Propeller Zinc Anode.

If the boat is sitting in Maine’s cold oxygenated water, moored by itself, the anode could last a year.  However, when we installed a new anode on a boat in a busy marina, the anode was fully deteriorated after only 3 weeks back in the water.

See more INFO about galvanic corrosion. on Galvanic Corrosion

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 6 in
Anode Material

Zinc, Aluminum


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