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Shaft Shark Saildrive Model

Original price was: $1,813.00.Current price is: $1,541.39.

A serrated edge circular blade that cuts away any rope, weed or debris that might try to entangle your shaft & propeller.

Made in the USA.

Saildrive Model – available in three sizes.

Available as split units.
Custom machining for tapered shafts is available. Please inquire.

Shaft Shark Instructions

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Shaft Shark Saildrive Model – Protect your drive train and propeller with the best rope, line and debris cutter there is.

The SHAFT SHARK is a serrated edge circular blade machined from high quality 316L type stainless steel. It attaches to your shaft just forward of the propeller and rotates with the shaft or saildrive hub, cutting away any rope, weed or debris that might try to entangle your shaft & propeller.  The SHAFT SHARK is a two-piece / split unit and may be installed on both shafts and saildrive systems.

  • Keep your propeller free from rope, weeds and underwater debris
  • Eliminate the possibility of damage to your propeller, strut and cutlass
  • Eliminate the need for being towed due to fouled stern gear or propeller
Choosing the right model


The SHAFT SHARK for saildrives is installed on the clean saildrive propeller hub with the cutting blade facing forward and the lock bolts aft.  It is not required to remove the propeller for installation, nor is it necessary to remove or modify the saildrive leg zinc.  The Shaft Shark is kept securely in place by the clamp action of two allen-head bolts using Vibra-Tite VC-3 or Loctite on the screws/bolts.

See complete instructions here before installing your Shaft Shark.

The SHAFT SHARK is sized to both the shaft diameter and the propeller hub diameter to ensure the lowest drag factor for the boat. Overall drag will vary depending upon the speed of the boat … the propeller hub diameter and the size of the SHAFT SHARK installed. This is why there are different model units to suit the shaft and hub combinations.
With no moving parts maintenance is minimal. There are no moving parts to maintain or replace on an annual basis. The edges can be re-sharpened when necessary. Do NOT use a wire brush or like to clean the shaft shark as it may compromise the outer surface area.
Torque Requirements
Shaft Shark Fasteners Torque for A4 Metric Stainless Steel

Model Fastener Size lbs Per Inch Allen Wrench Size
Saildrive 563, 585T M6 60.3in-lbs use 5mm Allen wrench
Saildrive 693-697 M6 60.3in-lbs use 5mm Allen wrench
Saildrive 673.6 – 680, 792 M8 146.2in-lbs use 6mm Allen wrench

Download the Shaft Shark Installation Instructions PDF

Additional information

Weight 2 lbs

SS 563 – Maxprop Easy 63mm hub, SS 585T – GORI 2-blade 85mm hub tapered, SS 673.6 – Varifold 73.6mm hub, SS 678 – Variprop GP80 78mm hub, SS 680 – Variprofile VP76 80mm hub, SS 695 – Flexofold Variprop GP107 and GP112 95mm hub, SS 696 – GORI 3-blade Volvo 2, 3-blade 2000-2019 96mm hub, SS 697 – Volvo 2, 3-blade 2019 onward 97mm hub, SS 792 – Maxprop Easy 92mm hub


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